Spirit Lead Me

If You say, “It’s wrong, ” then I’ll say, “No”
If You say, “Release, ” I’m letting go
If You’re in it with me, I’ll begin
And when You say to jump, I’m diving in
If You say, “Be still, ” then I will wait
If You say to trust, I will obey
Teach me how to follow in Your way
I’m done chasing feelings, Spirit lead me

Song Writer: Michael Ketterer

WOW! That was the only thought that came to mind as we walked out of our Bible study. It had not been a typical bible study, we had church. God showed up in our midst and the Holy Spirit moved and each one of us was blessed. I am so excited to see what God is going to do next.

God is so faithful to his word and each day he proves it more. In such a brief time, a matter of weeks our group has grown just as he promised. What started out as a simple word from God saying to me, “Start a bible study, the small group will grow into a ministry for my glory.”

Now I think I must back up to truly explain how God really worked in this situation. Kristi, one of my best friends and I both work in the same profession. We work in healthcare as professional medical coders, and we recognized a need for a platform that would provide reasonably priced continuing education lor other medical coders. So, one evening while we were having dinner, I brought up this idea and soon after Quality Health Coding and Compliance (QHCC) was in the works. We had big ideas and big dreams, but as it turned out God had other plans.

It seemed at every step something would get in the way. Regardless of how many meetings we had to discuss ideas and put plans together they never seemed to come to fruition. First, Covid-19 hit, and we all know how that played out so no need to elaborate. Kristi’s husband was building our website and for one reason or another it never came together. Later, he did admit that no matter what he tried, something just always kept getting in the way.  Last, and I think we all can admit, our country is in a mess and people are waking up and discovering things just aren’t right and many seem to be searching for answers. Kristi and I talked about these things often and these things laid heavy on our minds. One day I mentioned I was beginning to wonder if we might be on the wrong track with QHCC. This thing just wasn’t falling into place like we had hoped. Maybe this should be a platform for helping people find Christ and build a deeper relationship with God. We thought about it for a second but ultimately decided to stick with our plans for this business.

Soon, the time came to renew our webpage contract and we both admitted our hearts just were not in the same place anymore and we agreed to pray over the situation. So, on March 16, 2022, during my quiet prayer time with the Lord, as I was praying for direction over QHCC and I heard the Lord say, “Right idea for the wrong purpose. My purpose is for spreading my word, spreading the news. I will reveal this to you as the time is coming for this to occur.” I was still new to hearing God speak to me on a regular basis so, I asked, “Lord what do you mean?” And I began to see pictures form in my mind, sort of like various scenes from a movie, was it a vision? I can’t say for certain, but I know it was from God.

In each scene we were outside somewhere, it was a beautiful day and then I saw there was a group of people gathered, I can’t say how many for sure. I can say, our families were with us. In the next scene I saw Kristi, who has a beautiful voice, she was singing, in then I saw myself, I was speaking to the group of people and then I saw our husbands’ laying hands on the ones who needed prayer.

Wow, could my previous thoughts about QHCC have been correct, was this the Lord trying to direct us? Then God said, “Spreading my word, sharing my prophetic words and delivery of my people. A small group will grow. Continue learning and studying. Start a study together and it will grow, it will evolve. The Bible study will grow into a ministry for my glory”

Man, I was excited by this word from the Lord. I almost couldn’t contain myself. But I knew I needed confirmation, maybe a sign or a nudge from the Lord before I shared this with Kristi. That nudge came a couple days later, Krisit brought up QHCC as we had to decide whether to renew the contract and that’s when I knew it was time to reveal what God had showed me.

You see, I journal my prayers and every word I get from the Lord. So, I pulled out my journal, took a picture of the message and I text it to her. Her response was all the confirmation I needed. She agreed she was being led in the same direction and my message brought tears to her eyes, well she sent me the crying emoji, so I am assuming this is the case.

So, QHCC was transformed. We are now Whole Armour Ministry, our mission is still QHCC, which now represents a Quest to a Higher Calling in Christ. Right now, we are a growing bible study, and online ministry with our website being built. Our social media page is beginning to get noticed and there seems to be a few new people at each event. Just as the Lord promised, the ministry is growing.

When I look back now, there are times I get angry with myself that it took me so long to get to this point in my life. What was wrong with me? How could I have gone off track so many times in my life? What blessings have I missed out on because I let the world influence my choices? I wonder if there is a closet in heaven that contains all the missed blessings of our lives, I am not sure I would want to see them. I cannot imagine how high my stack of missed blessings might be. But I know God will use every single moment of our lives as a testimony to him if we allow him to use us.

I have not always made the best decisions and it has been a long rough road. Of course, I know I traveled this path because of my choices. But I have learned to listen in quiet meditation to Gods words whether the word he has today is for me or for someone else it doesn’t matter I allow the spirit to lead me. He has never led me wrong, not one time in my life.

I am so grateful that I serve a God who is so in love with me that he would descend from his heavenly throne to walk a mile in my shoes and then become the sacrifice for my sins, so I don’t have to pay the price. He never gave up on me even when I gave up on him. And again, I am so excited to see what God is going to do next.

John 1:1&14

1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

14 And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.

John 3:16

16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

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