Thankful for the Scars

John 14:23 Jesus said, “Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching.

My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them.

“Your life will break down doors that have never been opened before.” I always journal my prayers and the messages I hear from God. I know I wrote this; it is my messy handwriting. There it was this simple statement, and it was the only thing written on that page and to be honest, I don’t remember writing it. I am sure at the time I figured God would show me eventually, he always showed me in his time.

A few days later I went back to that statement and then I flipped back a page and found a word from God I had received a while back, he had said, “Write a book, make it a testimony.”  I will admit there have been times I have been a little skeptical about what I have heard. I have found myself more than once, saying “Really Lord?” And I often ponder it and pray on it. But this time, God had my attention. He had not only told me to write a book but had also given me the names of some of the chapters. And now, putting it all together, I have somewhere to start.

I had gone back to that page many times and looked at the list of chapters and wondered how to begin. Then, I would close my journal and go about my day. But on this day while I was praying over our new ministry and thanking the Lord for all the blessings, I looked over at the table and saw my journal and had one of those “little nudges from God” you know that small voice saying, “open it up.” I started looking back through the pages and while reading through the words for loved ones and old prayers, I found this page with this one simple statement again, “Your life will break down doors that have never been opened before” and when I turned back one more page there it was, “Write a book, make it a testimony.” Okay God, it’s time to start writing this testimony.

Looking back, I really don’t think there has been anything that extraordinary about my life. Many others have gone down the same paths and made the same bad choices as I have, and many have even written books about their triumphant comebacks.  But, if God says to write it, I will obey. So, here it is, a collection of events and memories shared from my heart to yours and how God can use anything to his glory.

I believe we all carry scars, some much deeper than others. I know I carry so many scars I can’t count them all. I try to remember every scar carry’s a memory and a lesson, something God can and will use to bless others. I am sure there are a lot of people who feel I should have regrets about my life, but I don’t not anymore. I know the regrets, I used to carry can now be blessings when shared. I look back on my life, I see the times when God walked with me and in some cases carried me along the way. I look back and realize I may have a story that might help others and I have a lot to be thankful for in my life. So today, I am thankful for the scars.

“Dear Lord, may your hand be upon me while I work through 

testimonies to tell the world about the wonderful things you have done.

Lord, take my words and these stories and use them as blessing to others for your glory.

In Jesus Name,


I’m thankful for the scars
‘Cause without them I wouldn’t know your heart
And I know they’ll always tell of who you are
So forever I am thankful for the scars.

Song: Scars

Artist: I am They

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